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Success Stories - Bearded Alchemist LLC

Building a small business takes time, commitment, and focus – especially when it comes to developing new products. 


Javier Perez is the founder of Bearded Alchemist LLC, a company that manufactures handcrafted, all natural beard products such as beard oils and beard balms. 


Here’s why Javier chose Alliance’s Live Receptionist service and how it helps his business thrive:


“As a small company, having a live receptionist along with the business phone number adds a more professional aspect to our business. 


I didn't want to put my cell phone out on our web page or as our store. To me it sounds more professional if you have a receptionist picking up the phone and assessing which calls to patch through or not. 


I can talk to the receptionist directly to find out who’s calling, and they do a very good job of triaging the phone calls.” 


Javier told us that providing a positive experience for his customers is extremely important. Having customers greeted by a friendly voice helps strengthen their brand reputation – while also freeing up the team to focus on other parts of the business. 


Sometimes I'm busy in the lab, so it's nice to have the receptionists take the calls for us. It makes a big difference. It also really helps when they e-mail the message to me. I know that my clients are well-treated when they call, which is comforting and makes me very happy. 


Javier no longer worries about missing calls. He values the personal connection and friendly style of the service, and feels it reflects positively on his business. 


They're very professional, very friendly, and they’re genuinely nice people, which adds a personal touch.” 


Interested in protecting your time, along with your personal cell number? Discover how our friendly, professional Live Receptionist service can help your business experience success! 


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