location_on 21750 Hardy Oak Suite 102, San Antonio, TX, 78258
captive_portal https://stoneoak.venturepointsa.com/
contact_phone Luis Escobar · +1 (210) 598-5595
schedule Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
Meeting Rooms
2 meeting rooms with LCD monitors, HDMI, speakers, whiteboards, and flipcharts:
1 Meeting Room
group Up to 6 people
1 Meeting Room
group Up to 10
The Building
- Venture Point is in an attractive, low-level office building in a desirable San Antonio neighborhood.
- Large windows create a bright and pleasant working environment.
The Location
- In the Stone Oak neighborhood north of San Antonio, a growing residential area with lots of schools and amenities.
- Very accessible location, close to highways 281 and 1604 – giving easy access north/south and to the city ring roads.
- Lots of restaurants and hotels in the area.
Distinctive Features
- Plenty of free parking.
- Well-signed and easy to access, perfect for meeting clients or picking up mail.
Additional Services
package Package Receipt
wifi Wi-Fi/Internet
person Onsite Support Staff
outgoing_mail Shipping